The 2024 Cup race season was a conglomeration of events and occurrences that kept the fans watching, waiting, and wanting more. There were scrutinized penalties, hirings and firings, legends appearing, legends dying, rookie surprises, ringers still trying to prove their worth, victory burnouts and fists exchanged. For the fans watching from home, there were also the advertisements that enabled them to see the races every week, sprinkled throughout every race. As has been the case throughout the season, here is your commercial breakdown. May you all have a lovely off-season, and be ready for it to start all over again in February.
Race and Commercial Breakdown of the 2024 NASCAR Cup Series Championship Race
Start time to record race/commercial periods: 3:15 PM
End time to record race/commercial periods: 6:38 PM
Total minutes of complete race broadcast: 203
Minutes of race broadcast: 172
Minutes of traditional commercials: 31
Minutes of side-by-side commercials: 16
Total number of commercials: 102
Total number of companies or entities advertised: 50
Total number of traditional commercials (not split-screen): 72
Total number of companies or entities advertised: 35
Total number of ‘Side-by-Side’ commercials during the broadcast (split-screen): 43
Total number of companies or entities advertised: 30
Number of times NBC utilized ‘Side-by-Side’ commercials during the broadcast: 7
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