2005 Nextel Cup Schemes – #29 Team

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If you do not SEE a image here….
I do not have it

At Lowe’s Motor Speedway in Oct.
Thanks to Greg from Cup Scene Daily.(10-13-2005)

Will run at Charlotte in Oct. From an Action site.(8-31-2005)

Taken at Indy in August by Don Gilbert.(8-11-2005)

Scheduled to run at Bristol in August.
Thanks to The Sunday Hauler for the image.(7-21-2005)

Will run as part of the Chevy Rock & Roll 400 prgram, featuring Gretchen Wilson on the #29. Image from a Chevrolet-GM/Action Performance PR)(5-13-2005)

Will run at the Brickyard 400 at Indy as part of the 20th Anniversary Celebration of GM Goodwrench sponsoring RCR.
Thanks to The Sunday Hauler for the image.(3-1-2005)

Will run at Lowe’s Motor Speedway in the Nextel Challenge and Coca Cola 600 as part of the 20th Anniversary Celebration of GM Goodwrench sponsoring RCR.
Thanks to The Sunday Hauler for the image.(12-28-2004)

Will run at Atlanta in March..a retro scheme.
Thanks to Greg from Cup Scene Online for the images.(1-26-2005)

The regular GM Goodwrench image for 2005.(1-25-2005)

Will run in the 2005 Daytona 500. Thanks to Dale Gannott for the image.(10-13-2004)

Taken at Kansas by Dak Dillon.(10-13-2004)

Will run in the 2005 Daytona 500. Image from Falgren PR.(10-8-2004)

if you wish to use them, copy them and give credit

Some of these images were ‘borrowed’ from many other web pages,
or emailed directly to me, thanks.
I try to give credit to those who either gave these to me or if I get them from a site,
Some I have scanned in myself or had someone scan in for me.

the AP (Associated Press)
or Action Sports Photography(ASP)

Paint Scheme Gallery Born On Date: Thursday, November 21, 1996