2008 Sprint Cup Schemes – #83 Team
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Scott Speed drove, as he and Vickers swapped rides for this race. Taken at Homestead-Miami Speedway in November by Christopher Green.(12-6-2008)
Taken at Michigan in August by Larry Scavnicky of Front Stretch Photos.(8-15-2008)
The Daytona 500 car, taken by Joel Bray at Daytona International Speedway on Sunday, Feb. 10, 2008.(2-11-2008)
The normal scheme, thanks to Red Bull Racing for images.(1-21-2008)
Diecast/Drawings of the schemes
Thanks to TotallyMotorsports.com for the image.(1-19-2008)
Images of the Hauler
Taken at Richmond on May 1st by Mike Moser.(7-8-2008)
I Ask folks not to link my images directly
but can’t stop everyone or worry about folks who steal stuff on the internet and message boards
would appreciate it that if you wish to use them, copy them to your PC/server and give due credit
Some of these images were ‘borrowed’ from many other web pages,
or emailed directly to me, thanks.
I give credit to the site where the image is from, not the person who sends it in
folks who send in personal images of schemes will get credit
do not post images with a fan posed in them
Some I have scanned in myself or had someone scan in for me.
the AP (Associated Press)
or Action Sports Photography(ASP)
Paint Scheme Gallery Born On Date: Thursday, November 21, 1996