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NASCAR announces three suspensions

Following news of their arrests for suspected DWIs, NASCAR has suspended Truck Series drivers Chris Hacker and Jason White indefinitely. Hacker was arrested August 15. White was arrested August 3.

In addition, NASCAR has also suspended Joel Courage.  He was recently arrested for failing to register as a sex offender.

Joel Courage B
Sections 4.4 D
Courage has been suspended from NASCAR indefinitely.

Chris Hacker
Sections 4.4 D
Hacker has been suspended from NASCAR indefinitely.

Jason White
Sections 2.14 A; 4.4 D
White has been suspended from NASCAR indefinitely.

Rule 4.4. D:

Member actions that could result in a fine and/or indefinite suspension, or

  • Actions by a NASCAR Member that NASCAR finds to be detrimental to stock car racing or NASCAR.
  • Statement and/or communication made public (including social media platforms) that demeans, criticizes, ridicules, or otherwise disparages another person based upon that person’s race, color, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, age, or handicapping condition.
  • Member-to-Member confrontation(s) with physical violence (e.g. striking another Competitor) and other violent manifestations such as significant threat(s) and/or abuse and/or endangerment.
  • Multiple violations of the Code of Conduct.
  • Selling NASCAR Single Event Credentials (VIP Passes, Essential Worker Passes, etc.).
  • Being charged with or convicted of significant criminal violations (e.g. Domestic Violence, Trafficking, Assault), or having had determinations rendered by criminal or civil authorities that in NASCAR’s judgment necessitate action. NASCAR will not pre-judge guilt or innocence in the criminal or civil legal system, or the guilt or innocence of the Member, but rather review each matter in its own context and circumstances and with regards to its potential effects upon the sport.
  • Violations of NASCAR’s Sports Gambling Policy.

Rule 2.14 A:

  • Any NASCAR Member charged with any violation of the law (misdemeanor and/or felony) shall notify NASCAR…

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